Without Hindrance or Help !

                                                           Sometimes closing your eyes and ears to certain things that happen and surround you is the best thing that anyone can do . Sometimes your intervention , though well meaning , and well intended , may not be the best course of action . You see things going on in other peoples lives and its so very difficult not to empathize . You ask yourself , would I have approached things in a different way , would things have gotten to this stage if it was me these things were happening to ? All ifs and buts , so you let things play out in a manner that doesn't involve you .
                                                          But me being me , and its not a case of being in control , can't sit by and do nothing . If like me , you tend to throw things around in your head , and re-enact all possible scenarios . I do that all the time , and have done for as long as I can remember . I have taken upon myself the mantle of being a concerned fixer . Someone who , from an outside perch can examine a problem and at times work it out , and then let it be . But sometimes , and these are the times that I really hate , there really is no way to fix something . Sometimes problems and stuff just have to take its natural course without hindrance or help .
                                                         These are the times you have to sit back and watch something either coming together , or something tearing apart . No matter what the outcome , its safe to say that nothing could have changed the result . Maybe that's the way it should be , but I always hate to think that unfortunately someone always loses !


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