Welcome to Your Future !

                                                Answer me this ! What makes you happy & what makes you sad ? What reason do you need to get up in the mornings with a spring in your step instead of saying to yourself "Here we go Again ".? What is it that makes you want to get out of bed in the first place , forgetting what went before , be it good or bad ? And what makes you come home in the evening to someone or something that makes you wanna be there ?
                                               All very ponderous questions , and all very important questions that need answering . Or are you the type of individual who just gets on with it without even considering your position ? There lies the dilemma . Have you got to the stage where its comfortable and safe to not consider your position .Or is it just an accepted part of your life now , and you can't be bothered even thinking about it ? Or Maybe You Have !
                                              So you have thought about it , I thought so ! So you have broken down the teapot that is your life and have examined it thoroughly . Well what did you find when you looked at it with a scrutinous eye ? Honesty in this respect is either going to make the result uplifting , or its going to be a disappointment . Either way its a sign that you take yourself and your relationships seriously , and are not one to trust someone else at the drop of a hat . You have now matured yourself into a way of thinking that one has to take seriously . You are no longer the easy touch you used to be , but what goes along with that is the honesty of your convictions . You will no longer suffer fools gladly , there is just not enough hours in a day to waste your time on pretence .
                                              You see sometimes you have to get real honest with yourself , and pry in to your psyche with a tooth pick . Its a long arduous process , but what you get in the end is the truth , be it ugly or otherwise . You will have awoken your sleeping assertiveness in the process , and you will no longer be fooled ! Welcome to your future , a future that will now be self defined , and not brought upon you by an ass or an elbow !



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