Venezuela , A Gun waiting to be Fired !

                                                      So now Venezuela is on the U.S.A 's wanted list . The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has already thrown previously , some choice words upon the findings of no nuclear arsenal in Iraq when he said and accused George W. Bush & Dick Cheney of being nothing more than common  terrorists . And if you look at the loss of life , 1.4 million people were killed because a certain American president was eager to get his hands on the oil in that region . He called that loss of life collateral damage , even if there were no nuclear weapons found !
                                                     So now Venezuela has been sanctioned by the U.S.A ,for allegedly being responsible for human rights abuses . Take a long hard look in the mirror Mr,Barack Hussein Obama , have a chat with your predecessor , and get some extra tips on how to lie to your own people . He was very good at it , and you too have excelled in the realms of fantasy .
                                                     The world recognizes you for what you are Mr Barack Hussein Obama , you represent a nation of lying terrorists who will go to extraordinary lengths to  persuade your people and the world that The Twin Towers was an Islamic terrorist attack . When in fact it has been proven to be otherwise . But then that information and evidence will never see the light of day either , will it ? You are the twisters of truth , the defilers of common decency , and the really true terrorists of our times . Shame on you Mr.Barack Hussein Obama .
                                                    Presidente Nicolas Maduro , the eyes of the world are on you , in support of you . If there is a God , he will speed you !
Latin America Leaders Backing Venezuela !


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