An Ode To Fernand Legros !

                                                        On the top floor of the hotel in the Penthouse suite lived this Egyptian

The Picasso !

 gentleman , his name was Fernand Legros ,a really enigmatic sort , who oozed confidence and authority .There were occasions we got talking and he told me of the fact that he wasn't really what I thought he was .In fact he turned out to be one of the greatest forgers of paintings the world had ever seen . On his wall in the suite there was this painting of himself by Pablo Picasso that he was so very proud of , and admitted to me that it was a forgery too .
                                                       He had this Rolls Royce key ring , with diamonds all over it , for headlights and windows , encased in platinum and gold .He showed it to me , and told me it actually was valued at more than the going rate for a brand new Rolls Royce . It rarely seen the light of day as it had to be put in his safe in the suite for safety sake .
With the Rolls Royce Key Ring !
The Book !
                                                      A bold , long haired man , balding on top , who most of the time wore this large cream Fedora , forging an image of mystery from him   He had his own Lincoln Continental limo which ferried him all over Switzerland in total privacy . This was some man , I was totally in awe of him .Any time I needed to talk to somebody and get advice or re-assurance this was the guy I came to  . He had plenty of time and patience for me , something which lacked in my family life . I won't go down that brutal road .


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