The House Part 3 !

                                                           As with all family stories , there's a price to pay . Right up until his departure from that life as he knew it , he was never in contact with them directly again . A decision he later told me was the best decision he had ever made . He explained , that if a family circle is broke , there is no way you can try and repair it . So what you have to do is start your own . One that isn't tainted with lies , greed and above all else jealousy . You have to stand up for what is right , and never , repeat never let a cancer like that to enter your life again . The word family is synonymous with unity . But if your family is synonymous with a complete hatred for what your siblings are capable of , then its time to tear that family lie apart with all the effort that you can muster
                                                          You're asking yourself , well what happened to the house ? Let me finally add the last chapter to this sad sad story . He told me he was talking to one of his nieces afterwards who explained , because of her mother and father having difficulty with where they lived , were offered the house under certain conditions .
                                                          These conditions involved taking out another mortgage on the house to pay for the upkeep of his mother in a nursing home , as well as looking after her laundry etc. These were the conditions the rest of the sisters gave to her on the acceptance of the house . She accepted these conditions and was quickly put into the same position her brother was in previously . Only this time , the very plans he tried to get everyone to agree to , were exactly the plans they enforced eventually . Because not one of them ever attempted to take their mother to live with them or care for her , or wash her as his wife had done for so many years .
                                                         This is a story that needed telling , as over the years his sisters children , being confused as to the reasons why their only uncle from that side of the family was never seen or heard from , or as it turned out talked about . They wanted to know what happened , but he never wanted them to know exactly what their parents done . He kept that to himself for as long as was possible .He had five sisters , they all had children , he was never asked to be god father to any of them . His twin sister's husband was his eldest son's godfather , a decision he despised having made later in his life .
                                                         The reason this is being told , is that just because years and lifetimes go by , other people may think there is something to be salvaged from all of this . He told me when we were together that nothing repeat nothing would bring him back from that dark space he called family . He was absolutely insistent about this . But you see some people just don't listen .
                                                        There are too many details and depth to this story that only he could relate , but unfortunately he is not here to relate them . But I being his banker of the truth am available always to confirm or deny any questions relating to his story . He will have disliked the fact that this has come up , and more importantly he will have hated that anybody else will have found out . Because all he ever wanted was a peaceful existence with nothing to torment him from his past .  Now that's not possible , why ? I don't know why , but someone always wants to open that pandora's box he always called  his brain .
                                                       In conclusion I hope that all of the participants from this pandora's box , can with a little compassion , return from whence they all came . You are not healthy , you are not needed , you  bring shame to the word family ! They wanted that house , they finally got that house , but he got something more valuable . He got his freedom from pretence that they called family ! He always said they would get their's , and in a way they finally did .


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