A Nest of Liars and Rapists !

                                                          Good day to all you blog readers , and what a beautiful day it is too ! Having gotten that out of the way , I will continue with my blog .
                                                          This morning I read an article , about a certain Irish Bishop Kevin Doran . In  reply to a question asked about gay marriage and gay people he replied " Gay people are not what God intended , just like those people born with Down's Syndrome ".
                                                          Now firstly to suggest such a thing is to admit that God is not a perfect God . That's strange because the church seems to be contradicting themselves . So he continued , that even the people with disabilities are not what God intended , because that would give a whole new meaning to people's interpretation of God . And we can't have that can we ?
                                                          I mean who are we to question a faith that bases most of its theology on mystery ? Who are we to even ask why with the election of Pope's over the years , that they can change the shape of the church on a whim . One hundred or so years ago according to the church the world was at most three thousand years old . That has been proven to be absolute nonsense .
                                                          Lets just stop and think , a faith that happens to be the most powerful and rich in the world asks us to finance their priests , bishops , cardinals etc. They have the nerve to demand contributions as a definite sign of faith week in week out .And they do so in the name of the Lord . Hello , get real , all churches are nothing but business , their everyday business is conducted in a financial way . They have the power to feed the world but choose not to . Why ???????????
                                                          To believe in a catholic God , is akin to being a slave of Christ . I'm quite sure if he did actually exist , that this is certainly not what he had intended . He certainly wouldn't have given Cardinals and Popes the ok to have child molesters hidden within their ranks for hundreds of years . Whats really worse is the fact that all these truths have been known and nothing , repeat nothing has been done about it . And we are supposed to take heed of some Bishop like Kevin Doran explaining the ethics and doctrine of the catholic church to us like stupid little children ?
                                                          Let me say once and for all ,  you Mr.. Kevin Doran , would be far better concentrating your efforts on ridding the catholic church of the rapists and monsters your church has been hiding , and stop trying to deflect attention away from the likes of yourselves.  Making stupid statements in relation to an imperfect God not intending to make mistakes ,about any persons sexuality , or a persons disability , is merely creating an argument without depth !
                                                         Get this Mr. Doran , you have no influence anymore , your church has let its congregation down , and it has let so many children down . You represent a greedy church who have been found to be a vile nest of liars and rapists !


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