The Non-Acceptance of Mediocrity !

                                                           Why do we care ? Is it to make ourselves feel better about the lives we so obviously abuse ? Is it because to deny concern is like living your life inside a cocoon full of like minded people , all safely kept away from the ups and downs of everyday living ? Are we all just couch campaigners safely locked away inside our fortress homes , never setting foot outside and comforted by our lack of understanding ? We share this and we share that , and we promote all of our favourite causes safe in the knowledge that these causes will never set foot on our doorsteps .
                                                          Or am I just being cynical ? Am I just feeling guilty about the amount of or lack of involvement our lives seem to have taken . You just do what you have to do , with the tools you have available to you . You carry on regardless , even if no one seems to either understand or wants more than just the mediocre .
                                                          Mediocrity is like an illness , its what I call a safe amount of this and a safe amount of that . Its like when doing something you say to yourself that's good enough , that'll do , no need to get yourself exhausted by going the extra mile . When so many  things could be so much better with a little more effort and application . Don't just settle for the good , don 't just settle for the ordinary , have a go at the amazing , and have a go at the extraordinary , you never know what heights you can achieve .
                                                          Framed in all that is a sure willingness to please , a sure need for some sort of approval , a wanting of true worthiness to make your living seem important . We look upon our lives be it conciously or subconciously and we always ask ourselves how am I faring today ? Have I left my mark somewhere and will somebody notice me and my achievements , if any . When what really matters is the sum of everything being acceptable in your own heart .


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