The Cardigan And Slippers Brigade !

                                                  Speaking of which , when was the last time you came in contact with your past ? When was the last time you wanted to ? What is it about past happenings that can bring up in some cases old wounds , and in others a need to revisit them .
                                                  Time is a very strange element in our lives , it has the power to make us happy , and the power to make us sad . If we dwell upon it too much , you can then be described as living in it . Not very healthy I need add , you see things were so much different then , and it doesn't really matter whose past we talk about it will always be that way .
                                                 Like for example , take ten people of the same age , and compare them . Because they're a certain age some might think they have to look and behave in a certain manner . Like the cardigan and slippers brigade , as a way of identifying what group they might be part of . Its a state of mind , nothing else , its how you want others to perceive you , instead of wanting to be who you really are in looks and thoughts . Go find the real you , and stick by it . Change that mindset , comb your hair differently , if you have any . But most of all be honest to yourself .!


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