Brain Malfunction !

                                                     You rattle your brain , and try to make sense out of things . People's sometimes inability to listen and look upon themselves as just another ordinary person like the rest of us . They never take time to watch and learn from good or bad experiences in life . Its a narrow mindedness that is all consuming ! Let me just explain for instance , if you talk or write , someone somewhere will relate to your ramblings . In fact some will get so caught up in your telling of a story that they cannot see the forest for the trees .
                                                    When I consider what to write about , sometimes it comes to me easily , and then sometimes its like hitting a brick wall . The other night two of my grandchildren wanted me to tell them a story before they went to bed , and normally there's never a problem . But I just lay on the bed trying to get a story together and nothing was happening . Come in brain , there's someone trying to make contact HELLOOO . That's what it seemed like and it went on for ages , I just called my wife and asked her to perform the magic I was unable to muster up . I kissed my grand daughters and apologized and wished them the happiest of sleeps .
                                                   What I'm trying to get at is quite simple , your brain , my brain sometimes is in a place of disquiet , and nothing , not even the mixture of elation and joy felt while delivering a story to two lovely children can do the job . You must let these things pass , you must not try and dissect every little thought that went through your brain prior to this storytelling block .That's what I do , and it works ,  so much so its like a filter to outside influences that can if allowed stray you from your designated route .
                                                    With all that said , I am in a more storytelling place today than I was then . What I should really do is record myself telling a story and just play it to them when they go to bed ? No , I didn't think so , well I will have to come up with something else . Something that will never deny me or my grand daughters the experience of a story being told in vivid technicolor , and surround sound . I suppose 3 D is also something to consider .
                                                    Have a wonderful evening cherubs , and thank you again for your audience , I couldn't have thought about these things without your help and prompting . May the peace I am feeling transport itself to your lives , and hopefully it will make you want to communicate with each other , maybe a little more than you already do .
Yes I sense That All The Time !


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