Reasons to Indulge !

                                                      I just had this pleasant conversation with a friend of mine , and when asked what is it like to be in your sixties I replied so so very liberating . You see now you can blame everything on your medication , you can claim loss of memory when something is not necessarily going your way . But most of all you can indulge in things that may have passed by your attention previously .

                                                     I explained that I can opinionate about anything , and a lot of the reasoning that goes behind these opinions need not actually make sense to some .You see that won't really matter , because younger people expect you to be a little confused anyway . And if and when they opinionate , and I would agree with their view , they would say hey that's one cool dude . Just for my agreement ? Its a nice way of being opinionated without having to commit to much .
                                                    I just love though when talking to my grandchildren , especially when they were maybe 4-7 years old , and they tell you emphatically that today is e.g Wednesday . I reply , and who told you that ? My teacher they would say , to which I would totally disagree and rhyme off the days of the week out of turn . Ok today is Wednesday , therefore tomorrow is Monday , and they're collective response can be extremely entertaining and for them kinda frustrating . Stop grandad would be the response , you know you're just making this up . But if you keep it up long enough its possible you just may get them on board . That's the beauty of innocence , and the beauty of playing stupid with your grandchildren . Grandchildren just love stupid . They just love Alice in Wonderland stories of hidden holes and things . I call my garden the Secret Garden , where anything goes and where wild stories can be the highlight of their day .
                                                   So does that answer your question about how it feels to be in your sixties ? Take it from me , that its a nonsense to even consider that grandparenting is not the greatest thing in the world . Its a nonsense to even try and compare it to anything else . It maybe gives you the pleasures that parenting can't . When parenting is in full flow there's not much time to indulge , and maybe just maybe you are given grandchildren so that now you have no reason not to !


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