A Life , Long Forgotten !

                                                          It was a good day today ! I was just having lunch with my wife , some nice sausage rolls if you need to know , and the phone rings . Hello this is so and so we used to be friends when we were younger ! A lot younger says I , 45 years ago to be exact . And then we just went off on a wave of nostalgia , talking about this and that and things we used to do and people we used to play with . It was so enjoyable just being able to reminisce about a life long forgotten about .
The Real Marvel Super Heroes !
                                                         Arrangements will be made for a meet up with a couple of those friends who were part of the group we hung round with . It will be hard to contain myself as these people were the only true friends I had growing up . There were many of us , there was Brendan , Christy , David (r.i.p), and Bobby , John , Bernard ,Paul , and too many others to remember . The girls I can remember were , Carol , Carol-Ann , Geraldine , and if I am forgetting someone I do apologize , my memory is not what it used to be .
                                                        So as I said today was a good day , and thanks be to high heaven the good days in my life seriously outweigh the bad one's . I am lucky in that sense , to have had people in my life that I cared about , and cared about me .
                                                        I will keep you well informed about any and all details of this upcoming event. Thank you for
Nelson's Pillar !

your time and your patience . XOX


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