It Is Time For Revolution !

                                                           What if we all were just a figment of a far superior entity's imagination ? What if it was just some cruel joke with us as the players and pawns . What if all the things we have ever believed in were just someone else's idea of a game of chess ? Someone up there pulling our strings , asking us to do something that is inherently evil , like killing someone else . I mean its already happening day in day out . Someone walks into an office somewhere and opens fire saying I am doing this in the name of God ! I mean you can't call them all crazy , its happening too often to be seen that way . I understand the actual act of killing is crazy , evil , despicable , but when did it all become so acceptable and shock free ?
                                                            If you think about it , that game I spoke about earlier , doesn't sound so crazy now does it ? Someone somewhere is definitely taking the piss . And what's really incredible is that everyone just goes along with it without question . The powers that be sweep evidence and truth under the carpet , its happening all over the world . Nothing is real anymore . The food you eat isn't real anymore . Water is now becoming the new oil of this world , and all the big corporations see this and want to privatize it all . We don't have to look too far to see that especially in Ireland right now .
                                                           Its someone's sick idea of a joke , its someone's way of saying I'm bored now I need entertainment , and the human race will do the entertaining . What they don't realize is that we the so called entertainment have woken up to their manipulation . We don't want to be bit players in the drama that is life . We want our leading roles to be respected and valued . We want to be liberated from this sick game they are having us play . It is time for revolution !


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