
Showing posts from March, 2015

Deja Vu ! (Already Seen)

                                                         Have you ever considered your position in the great scheme of things . Have you ever thought to yourself in all honesty , forgetting who your parents are and their history , what it is that actually points you in the directions you will head towards ? Because in all truth you will have absolutely no control over its outcome . You see if you are a believer in that everything is going to happen because of fate , well you may as well just sit back and enjoy the ride , wherever it may take you . Because sure as hell you will never know where you are going . And it won't matter how many times you may change your mind on a subject , the outcome will always be your outcome . I have just had a thought ! Maybe that's why so many people choose to sit on that proverbial fence . I never really though...

Collective Asses !

                                                                I noticed yesterdays blog "Sitting on a Fence " had a great response . I mean you don't have to be a rocket scientist to be able to relate to it . But whats worrying is that it is just too easy to adopt that attitude , and then things happen that may not necessarily have had the outcome that occurred . Take for instance the election of George W Bush when he went up against Al Gore . The result was so tight not one of the news corporations would call it as they usually would . Then there was a second count and even that was contentious . Imagine those fence sitters could have made a huge huge difference to the outcome of that election , and the world wouldn't have had to deal with the slaughter of innocents George W Bush has on his hands . Its just a thought , but tha...

Sitting on a Fence !

                                                         Its hard to imagine , though its very true , that a lot of  people seem to think that that thing that lurks between your shoulder blades called your brain is nothing but a deciding factor on whether it should be Burger King or McDonalds . They never seem to exercise it in a way that it most certainly needs and requires to function properly . They take this stance that if everything is all right with the majority then its alright with me . I don't need to vote because whoever gets in that will do for me too . When someone decides to alter their image in some insane way , oh that looks good I'll have that as well .                                                 ...

Reasons to Indulge !

                                                      I just had this pleasant conversation with a friend of mine , and when asked what is it like to be in your sixties I replied so so very liberating . You see now you can blame everything on your medication , you can claim loss of memory when something is not necessarily going your way . But most of all you can indulge in things that may have passed by your attention previously .                                                        I explained that I can opinionate about anything , and a lot of the reasoning that goes behind these opinions need not actually make sense to some .You see that won't really matter , because younger people expect you to be a littl...

Mastering Reverse Psychology !

                                                                 Happy Sunday to everyone ! Its been a long week , I hope you all had good things to speak about and develop . Try not to hold in your excitement too much , just let it out and if you have something to laugh or shout about , don't be worried about that person standing or sitting next to you , who is gonna jump the minute you let go . They will probably join in with your celebration .                                                                 When I write these things I suppose its hard for people close to me to think that maybe I am speaking about them . Nothing could be further from the truth , but...

Immeasurable !

                                                           Today is Saturday , it didn't start off too well , but it has picked up and I can honestly say it can only get better . I have my wonderful wife to guide me as always , ans if I was to say that she is a prize among women I would only be barely touching the surface . She knows me in and out , she berates me when I need berating . But she always gives me direction , when sometimes that direction eludes me . She allows me to be who I am , and never criticizes my choices in life . She may not like some of my choices , but she supports me when I need supporting .                                                           Did I tell you we know ...

The End !

                                                        I must apologize over the blogs I have put up over the last week . They were hard to write down , but they must have been even harder to read . They had to see the light of day and am glad they have . It was a story that needed telling , especially if there were any people out there who couldn't quite get to grips with the gravity of its telling . It wasn't meant to offend , just to clarify a story that got maybe a bit unclear over the years . I never want anyone to be confused about it , I just want them to understand . He was never a victim , he was never a saint , and he accepted everything that was thrown at him as part of his understanding of what family can do to you .                                   ...

Consequences !

                                                         You go from a situation that says to everybody , hey I'm doin fine , all my aspirations have been met . All the things that meant anything to me are now established and concreted into that place you call your base line . To a situation of utter chaos and confusion . Not really knowing how you feel about things and more importantly people . Your insurance that was the road you traveled , has suddenly become littered with avenues and cul de sacs that lead absolutely nowhere . They have suddenly appeared from nowhere , and getting back on track is getting increasingly more difficult . The more I try , the more energy I am wasting on things and people who should really have no influence over me . But they do , and that's a little disturbing , when you have always been in control of what you l...

The House Part 3 !

                                                           As with all family stories , there's a price to pay . Right up until his departure from that life as he knew it , he was never in contact with them directly again . A decision he later told me was the best decision he had ever made . He explained , that if a family circle is broke , there is no way you can try and repair it . So what you have to do is start your own . One that isn't tainted with lies , greed and above all else jealousy . You have to stand up for what is right , and never , repeat never let a cancer like that to enter your life again . The word family is synonymous with unity . But if your family is synonymous with a complete hatred for what your siblings are capable of , then its time to tear that family lie apart with all the effort that you can muster   ...

The House Part 2 !

                                                                 The meeting took place , and he and his wife were told by his sisters that their mother was not going into a nursing home and that they knew better . He told them that it would only cost so much money if all of them contributed and the cost would not be so expensive on them all . He was issued with an ultimatum , pay for it yourself or get out of the house . As he was unemployed taking time off work to help with his wife's convalescence , this just wasn't an option .                                                                  He returned to his mother's doctor and reported on the reaction to t...

The House ! Part 1 .

                                                             This is a story , that was related to me a long time ago . Its basically a story of greed and control . The person who told me this story has long since departed this temporary stage we call life , but his story still resonates to this day . There's a mother involved , one man and his five sisters of which one of these sisters just happens to be his twin . Then there's the house , an all important house , a house that tore this family apart . It doesn't really matter about circumstances or excuses , at the end of the day its about a two bed roomed house .                                                             Before I g...

Prologue to House !

                                                                I am going to write a story relating to a very good friend of mine . Its a story that needed telling . Its not pretty , and it certainly would be a good nomination for most realistic family tale of the year . You see this friend of mine did not want this tale published , but his hand was forced many years ago , and its only now I have decided that the truth should be known about this crippling chapter in one mans life .                                                                Some people may be able to empathize , and if you can I hope that in telling this story it gives comfort to you knowing that cert...

One Protecting One's Own !

                                                    Today was a very productive day , I just went and made the best Lasagne that ever made its way onto a serving plate . It was consumed in such a way as to suggest we hadn't been fed in a fortnight . I am not saying it was eaten quickly , no it was eaten slowly but as we watched each others plate getting smaller and smaller our arms slowly wrapped around our individual plates so as not to allow any stealing from one another . This doesn't happen often , but I am sure you all remember having to protect your plate at all costs as a kid .                                                     You've got to allow for our behaviour , as we are in our sixties , and at times seem to be regre...

The Portrayal of the Human Species !

                                                         In the great scheme of things , how do you see yourself ? I mean it has taken you all your life to mold and design the creature that is you . What are the things that have set you on your path to being you and more importantly being happy with you ? These are the questions we should all ask ourselves , because none of these things or the outcome has been sheer luck . You have been sculptured by a need to either fit in , or to be just accepted . Like W.T.F.?                                                          You look around you , and everywhere you look there are so many workings on the same design . Yes a little bit different here and ...

Message to Self , Wake the F... Up !

                                                               When will it all stop ? What has someone to do to get some peace in this life ? Where are all the happy thoughts that were promised to me in my dreams ? When was being inspired a hurdle that needed crossing , and the sweet smell of an oven baked loaf the last thing on earth you could think of ? Uninspired afterthoughts , systematic failure to understand that the life that is given can often be taken away . These are the thoughts of someone getting to grips with having to listen to a continuous barrage of constant and never ending verbal strangulation . .                                                             ...

A Life , Long Forgotten !

                                                          It was a good day today ! I was just having lunch with my wife , some nice sausage rolls if you need to know , and the phone rings . Hello this is so and so we used to be friends when we were younger ! A lot younger says I , 45 years ago to be exact . And then we just went off on a wave of nostalgia , talking about this and that and things we used to do and people we used to play with . It was so enjoyable just being able to reminisce about a life long forgotten about . The Real Marvel Super Heroes !                                                          Arrangements will be made for a meet up with a couple of those friends who were part ...

But What A Laugh !

                                                          So there you are , lying down and getting ready for sleep , and your wife decides to get herself an attack of the hiccups . You say to yourself it'll go away soon , she will be fine . There you still are 30 minutes later and she's still hiccuping , and there's not a damn thing you can do about it .Now normally if it was happening to me I'd just stand on my head and drink some water slowly upside down . But at two in the morning I don't think that would be a very good way to do things as we've both had a couple of brandies before we set off to bed .                                                          She lies there for about another minute ...

Liquorice Allsorts !

                                                          I'm finding it increasingly difficult to write about anything that has any substance . I am looking around everywhere and there's nothing forthcoming . There is so much out there about revolution , people just plain pissed off with the system , and airing their views , and quite rightly so . Its just this evening I am in no nice place to share anything nice with you ! Maybe some liquorice allsorts . Apologies , will get back my sense of humour tomorrow , promise !                                              Yours with Humility , xox .

Making up your Mind !

                                                          Its been a very quiet day ! I don't really like quiet days , they're just too quiet . I think my meaning has been made abundantly clear . So how did all your week-ends go ? Any thing strange and wonderful happen ? Did you finally find your true calling in life ? Did that certain someone reveal his/her true feelings to you ? Did you finally make up your mind about those certain lack of qualities you were expecting to see ? Or did it all pass over your head and you never took any notice ? Come on you're playing too safe now , you know there is something that needs to be said , and its not going to happen of its own accord . Its gonna need help , your help particularly , and as my great great grandmother used to say better said than not at all !             ...

Welcome to Your Future !

                                                Answer me this ! What makes you happy & what makes you sad ? What reason do you need to get up in the mornings with a spring in your step instead of saying to yourself "Here we go Again ".? What is it that makes you want to get out of bed in the first place , forgetting what went before , be it good or bad ? And what makes you come home in the evening to someone or something that makes you wanna be there ?                                                All very ponderous questions , and all very important questions that need answering . Or are you the type of individual who just gets on with it without even considering your position ? There lies the dilemma . Have you got to the stage where its comf...

It Is Time For Revolution !

                                                           What if we all were just a figment of a far superior entity's imagination ? What if it was just some cruel joke with us as the players and pawns . What if all the things we have ever believed in were just someone else's idea of a game of chess ? Someone up there pulling our strings , asking us to do something that is inherently evil , like killing someone else . I mean its already happening day in day out . Someone walks into an office somewhere and opens fire saying I am doing this in the name of God ! I mean you can't call them all crazy , its happening too often to be seen that way . I understand the actual act of killing is crazy , evil , despicable , but when did it all become so acceptable and shock free ?                    ...

Sunday Oh Sunday !

                                                     Sunday oh Sunday , and to make it even more perfect its so sunny and warm . You see in this neck of the woods sunshine and warmth is a very rare thing , and needs celebrating at every opportunity . So her I am in front of a screen celebrating sunshine , How stupid is that ? Seems to be a bit hypocritical , but in my mind looking out the back door and window is celebration enough . My wife has just said its burning the shit out of her leg and shoulder , you just can't keep everyone happy ! The View from my back Garden !

You are God !

                                                     When you think about life , you think about it as you know it , and all the feelings and pains you're familiar with . The happiness something or someone makes you . The sadness you feel when confronted with the loss of someone close , and in your mind your world falls apart . These are the experiences that have been given to you both physically and emotionally as a part in the very order of things .                                                      Throughout your life you will have your peaks and your valleys , ups and downs . And for very long periods things just pass along pleasantly and correctly . But then disaster strikes and your all too comfortable existence...

A Handful of Beans !

                                                                 Brain to Chris , come in , there are people expecting your answers to the questions and secrets of the Universe . They are getting impatient and cannot wait for your response . These are the things I have to put up with every day . You see I feel this responsibility to the readers , and its a job worth doing , but what's gonna happen when I run out of answers ? What's gonna happen when the power of communication shuts down ? Its already happening , and I'm not talking about internet communication , I'm talking about one on one's .                                                                 Yes the i...

Say things Quietly !

                                            Good morning everyone , and welcome to our readers from Singapore , India , and Venezuela , you are all invited like everyone else to participate in this venture called The Henwatch Blog . Its a no holds barred session of at times angry , but mostly loving look at the world and its inhabitants . You are welcome to get involved , leave a comment , say it quietly , and I'll keep it to myself . So on we go !

Vintage Hollywood !

                                                            What is it about vintage movies and actors that survive the test of time ? What substance do they have that's lacking in the most up to date movies if you compare them both ? Everything in vintage was suggestion and innuendo , nod of the head and maybe a wink if the leading man was lucky . You had people like Howard Hughes designing a bra to be specially fitted to Jane Russel's breasts . There was voluptuousness in  all the ladies on show , never an indiscrete line to be crossed . Your imaginations ran riot and the pleasure of just watching sheer class in motion was the only enticement for you to visit the movies .                                               ...

Doubt Can Give you a Second Chance !

                                                                  Alright , its taken a few hours , but the agitation has left me . It has also left me feeling a bit drained , but being the soldier I am I will continue . I WILL CONTINUE !                                                                   So there you are minding your own business and someone says to you there's something seriously wrong with the way you approach things . Not being one to back down from a criticism or an accusation , I reply please expand on that and elaborate if you will . He complains that I write blogs for the shock factor , he also says he's indifferent to its content . I am t...

Agitation !

                                                            Have been feeling very agitated today . Don't ask me why . Its a feeling of brain racing , body too slow to respond . Any one else ever felt that ? I know its not particularly nice , thank God I have an understanding wife and a very loving dog . Apologies for not wanting to blog !                                                            

Venezuela , A Gun waiting to be Fired !

                                                      So now Venezuela is on the U.S.A 's wanted list . The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has already thrown previously , some choice words upon the findings of no nuclear arsenal in Iraq when he said and accused George W. Bush & Dick Cheney of being nothing more than common  terrorists . And if you look at the loss of life , 1.4 million people were killed because a certain American president was eager to get his hands on the oil in that region . He called that loss of life collateral damage , even if there were no nuclear weapons found !                                                      So now Venezuela has been sanctioned by the U.S.A ,for allegedly bein...