We Will Not Be Belittled !

                                                            I couldn't care less , I really don't give a damn , everything in your life is so controlled and manipulated that at times you say to yourself sure what's the point ? But the truth is much more relevant , its the thing that causes you to be concerned , to be outrageous , to be not just another statistical number that is harassed and dictated to by the powers that be . I know its rather easy to just down tools and say that's it , I've had enough . But you are better than that , to allow others to define your life , to tell you how you should feel , how you should behave in the face of so much oppression , now that's just downright unthinkable .
                                                           You see there is a definite charge out there trying to influence you , trying to gain your trust . Just look at the way things happen during a general election for example . You listen to all these self appointed saviours of the universe , when they give you their promises and all your expectations are going to be fulfilled , and its really hard not to believe some of their promises . But the times are changing , people are not as listless as they used to be . They have suddenly found their voices , they have opinions now . You will no longer be able to pull the wool over their collective eyes anymore . No you will feel the wrath and disgust of the electorate , they will be your judge and jury , and my how unforgiving they will be .
                                                          So I couldn't care less will change to I couldn't care more , and I don't give a damn will change to damn this needs caring about . You have been programmed into not caring . You have been given distractions to take your eyes and mind off what really matters . Most of your day had been taken over by media entertainment to keep you hypnotized into thinking everything was right in the world . But the ironic thing is , is that the very tools they gave you to entertain yourself , have now become tools for educating yourself . Never before have you had so much access to the truth , never before have you been so alive with revolution in your veins . The time has come for that truth to be made a stepping stone for revolution .
                                                         We have all come full circle , we have been witnessing the increasing power of authority . They have abused their authority and their power , so much so every day you are witness to the atrocities man has committed over man . People have been put in positions of power and they have robbed you , they have taken your homes , they have sent your sons and daughters off to fight wars on their behalf for the benefit of the few . Be under no illusion , these things don't happen accidently . They are orchestrated as they always have been , and will again in the future if something is not done to contain their greed and power .
                                                         I have no answers to any of the questions raised here in this little piece of thought . No , just a reminder that when you think you've had enough , do yourself a favour and for once in your life stand up to this almighty stench on our society . Get yourself involved in some way , pass on bits of information that you may not think important , and drive home the message to all and sundry WE WILL NOT BE BELITTLED !


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