A Good Kick in the Ass !

                                                  Whats the one and only thing in life that you can be sure about ? Exactly , now it didn't take long for you to work that one out . Everything else is a game of chance . A game you buy into the minute you are born . From cradle to the grave , every decision you make is a sheer gamble . You have no way of knowing the outcome to anything just that you hope that it will turn out right for you . Now you can stack the odds in your favour , but its ultimately an outcome you have little control over . So after all that , it begs the question , so why make it so difficult for yourself ? Why not just be the kindest , most thoughtful , considerate and loving person that you can be ? Now that would be too easy wouldn't it ? I mean who wants to be that kind of person , never wanting or experiencing the thrill of the unknown ? Its the unknown that keeps us on top of the situation . It keeps us on our toes , it keeps us alert and ready for any eventuality , doesn't it ?
                                                 We are not made that way , perfection is not something we are comfortable with . Perfection simply means a degree of expectation is always expected of you , you are always assumed to be untouchable and trustworthy . That's what makes people be who THEY want to be , and not what someone else expects of them . Have you ever asked yourself why certain people are drawn to rough sorts , or bad boys/girls ? Its because its the unpredictability of their behaviour that they are fascinated with . They don't want to be seen as goody two shoes , they don't want to be so predictable that you could tell the time of day by the time you see them in the morning . No they want unplanned situations , they want the surprise factor , even if it happens to involve them not being in the good books with their parents or friends , In fact the more outwardly they are seen as people who couldn't give a damn , the better it makes them feel .
                                                I mean for many many years some people are prepared to live a life of normality , and then suddenly from out of nowhere the same people need the attention of an exorcist .Its like a demon has taken over , and for no obvious reason . Why do you think this happens ? I have a simple theory . I believe they are simply tired of being predictable , and that they are just attention seeking . It doesn't have to be complicated , it can be as simple as that . I know there will always be exceptions to the rule
. and those exceptions need the attention of the Vatican and an exorcist , but they would be the exception to the rule . So if you are in the middle of tearing your hair out , and the demon has entered your building , don't despair , don't throw in the towel , just give them a good kick in the ass !


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