Voice Talking to Voice !

                                                         I've noticed recently , that people who you would normally think of as being maybe a little passive , have suddenly become very philosophical . Everywhere you look you have this poster  and that poster saying how they are feeling from minute to minute . It kinda confuses me , because yes I understand that maybe they need to make a statement , but the best kind of statement is when the statement contains your words , your thoughts and your emotions , and not someone else's who just coincidentally sound like something that you may have been thinking or feeling at that particular time .
                                                       Its like a hallmark card with whatever feeling or reference that may apply at that same moment in your life . Hallmark cards are alright to send in the post , but to make them a part of your trying to explain how you feel at a certain moment , I think is doing yourself a disservice .If you've got something to say and it needs telling , shout it from the rooftops , make it clear and defining . When someone sees these hallmark type posters its so easy to get lost in a translation that may or may not be accurate . Then people start making up things in their minds that have absolutely no bearing on what was posted in the first place .
                                                      We are in danger of becoming so unattached from whats real , that communication between individuals is becoming increasingly rare . Its text this and instagram that , facebook this and tweet that . Next time you need to contact someone , either meet them face to face , or just ring them and have a chat , a real chat , voice talking to voice . It makes so much sense .


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