No Matter What !

                                                          Why is it that sometimes you do have to explain yourself to people ? You do have to hold their hand and tell them the intricate details of why you said something , or why you acted in a particular manner . I mean its not rocket science , that when you have been decisive about something , it should be accepted as your choice . I mean nobody pushed you into this decision , you didn't make it under duress . There was no one holding a gun to your head , it was plain and simple a choice you made .
                                                         But you see there lies the problem , there are some people who think that by them having an input into your personal life it gives them some sort of responsibility over you . That couldn't be further from the truth , if you decide to have someone in your life its because you want them there . Not as an ornament on a shelf , or just one more person to add to your collection of photographs . No you have chosen them for who they are , and the things they have said , and the beautiful moments they have shared with you . But when they decide to cross that line of intrusion , its a time for re-evaluation of their importance .
                                                        I know it all sounds very trite and mechanical , but sometime that's exactly how things like that should be dealt with . There is no point in getting into the personal aspect , as that's when it just gets too emotional . The crying starts , the apologies are endless , and then the truth is clouded over with resentment . What started as a good reason to water down a relationship , becomes an excuse as to why it should be saved . Your judgement has now become impaired , you have surrendered to emotion and the possibility of reprieve , but deep down you know there will be a parting of the waves and the sooner the better .
                                                      What or who am I talking about I hear you ask ? I am speaking of everyone who has ever had a relationship and decided to maintain it rather than abandoning it . You will always give someone the benefit of the doubt and that's only to be expected , but when you do it over and over again the common denominator is you . The responsibility for all these disastrous outcomes is yours . You refuse to be educated by the less thoughtful members of society , and suffer emotionally as a result . There is but one place for these people , the trash can . Left there to be collected on bin day and scattered among the refuse they will feel a
connection with . There only to bother other dysfunctionals like themselves . That is what intrusion amounts to , it is dangerous and to be ignored at all costs , no matter what !


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