Psychological Terrorism !

                                                        I just have to share this with you . I have just heard that heavy snoring is definitely linked to memory loss and mental decline . From a personal perspective there's absolutely nothing to worry about , as I have always been in control of my mental health and my unbelievable memory . Its something you could always set your clock by , my memory and how healthy my mental state always appears to be .
                                                       So if there are any of you out there who are prone to heavy snoring , being prepared for the loss of your memory will definitely be a positive step . Now the decline of your mental health will definitely have to be monitored , and I assume the best one beside yourself should be your wife / husband or partner . Unless of course your relationship is in the toilet , well you wouldn't want to give them any reason to suspect there's a decline in your decision making .Now that would just be marital suicide , never mind psychological terrorism , you just don't wanna give someone that sort of opportunity do you ?
                                                      In conclusion and because of all that's gone before , I would like to declare my availability for nomination to the highest position in the world , that of President of the United States . As I was born in Washington , am of African American stock , am female and would just love to get the job . I would also like to thank My good cousin Louis Armstrong for supporting me when I needed it most , and his undying friendship . I remain your hopeful candidate Monica Clinton Armstrong . Thanks to whoever for letting me remember all that stuff , and thank you also to Ronald Reagan without whose constant companionship I would never have had the courage to enter this so important race for the presidency .


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