Sometimes Enough Is Never Enough !

                                                            As a father and a grandfather , you like to think that you have a grip on what's happening around you . You keep in contact with your children , and all that that  means and implies . If needed for advice , willingly you are always there , for good or for bad . And you try your best to be as honest and objective as you can possibly be . These are the responsibilities your role as a parent has made for you . I take this role seriously , its my job to make sure everyone is as happy as they can be , and without being interfering obviously , I pass on any little knowledge that has helped  me get through difficult situations . Thanks be to whatever , it has served me well and my children have turned out to be real diamonds in their own inimitable way .
                                                          I have and will continue to be as accessible to them , as I am and will be  to my grandchildren . Some of who are too young to even know if there is any significance in me feeling that way . But whether they know it or not I will always be available to them no matter what .
                                                         Sometimes its hard when a child has decided to take that wrong road , and no matter how many times its brought to their attention , they will always know better than you . You have a vested interest in their well being , they are your grandchildren , and nothing an no one will be allowed to harm their positive development in my eyes . So when one has gone down that wrong road , and is now an adult , your hands suddenly get tied . Whatever influence you may have had before , has suddenly dissolved right in front of your face , and more importantly right in front of his/her parents face . That is when you have to let them either right that wrong , or continue on that self destructive route . Try as you may , its out of your hands now , you can only just sit back and watch whatever it is that's going to happen . You have done your utmost to get him/her  right , to no avail . But there is one thing you can be proud of , that in the midst of all this uproar and chaos you , YOU  stood tall and strong and gave it everything you had . Sometimes enough is never enough !


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