Now is That Future You Were Planning !

                                                             You reach a stage in your life where all the so called important matters and even relationships no longer take center stage in your world . Its just not that important any more to be worried from the time you get up in the morning till the time you go to bed . You've had enough of the constant daily drivel that occupies your every waking hour . You have taken stock and decided enough is enough . Your days will now be filled with wonder and merriment , and no one is going to stop you . It doesn't really matter too much if you can't remember some of the things that need changing , only that you know a change is going to happen .
                                                            This isn't something that has just crept up on you , it is something that has been developing over so many years that you were basically unaware of . Its like after so many years of total commitment to everything in your world , be it bad or good , that a light suddenly comes on in your head that says what about me . What about the things in my life that need tending . Where has all the time gone that you afforded to the future , when you said I will do so many things when I get the time . Fortunately or unfortunately , depending on how you feel about yourself , the future is now . All those plans you made a few short years ago , have still not been fulfilled . They have always been left on the back burner simmering away , until today .
                                                            Today is the start of the rest of your life , and assuming for instance that I last till I'm eighty ,that sobering thought

means I have about nineteen years left . In terms of time its not much when you consider how fast the previous sixty one have passed . Time and life is but a blur , we never really take too much notice of its passing , either because we are enjoying ourselves too much , or that you are so caught up in just dealing with it that one day you are thirty , and then you wake up the next day  and you're sixty .
                                                           I'm glad that I have suddenly woken from that sleep that had me so busy and focused , and realized that being busy and focused is not all there is to living your life . Its taken a lot of time and thought to get me to where I am now . And to be honest I am getting so selfish with my time and how I spend it . No more the suffering of fools and their idiosyncrasies gladly . No more the waiting for something glorious or eventful to happen . note to oneself " It is Happening Right Now . Now is That Future You Were Planning , The Fuel On That Back Burner Has Run Out " . Have you ever listened to yourself , when you are talking to yourself ?


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