Easter Sunday !

                                                        Well happy Easter Sunday , its been kinda hectic here since yesterday . My two granddaughters had a sleepover and busy is not a way of accurately describing how we were for the last twenty four hours . It all started with their favourite food , a K.F.C bucket and fries , that was devoured in the blink of an eye . That's not to say we didn't enjoy it ourselves , we did , and I know it was bold , but its Easter and sure what would you be doing otherwise ?
                                                        Food finished we then went on and played cards , jumping from switch , to pairs , depending on the choice of the dealer . Now watching and playing cards with your grandchildren is a very unique experience . There are rules , but they are always totally ignored to the advantage of them . They are cheaters , and they cheat keeping a straight face , the worst type of all . Then they just laugh at you when you've realized what the hell was going on in the first place . They will rob you of your life savings without batting an eyelid , and what's worse is , is that you let them .
                                                       Then its bed time and the usual noooooo its too early , we don't go to bed this early is the order of the day . This is where you have to be subtle , but diplomatic . Now you have to convince them its in their own best interests to go to bed , a difficult chore at the best of times . If you don't go to bed , there will be no story told , and no story told is the ace up your sleeve . Ok granddad , we'll put on our pyjama's and we'll go to bed now . Now that is how simple it can be !
                                                       Be sure to join me and everyone else in my next blog , it will simply be called storytime . This one you'll just have to read , I promise  !


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