Trying to make sense of Apology !

                                                                   I love reading peoples contributions to discussions and notices posted on media forums . I especially like it when someone is sending a hidden message to some else . You may not even know the people involved , but it brings out the curiosity in everyone when someone states their position on a particular subject . You try to read into what has been posted , and probably nine times out of ten you get it wrong . It still doesn't stop you from being a little bit nosy though , does it ?
                                                                  Lets speak about apologies , lets just think about that one .Sometimes an apology is all that's needed to fix a particular problem .Sometimes its sufficient to make things alright . But what about an apology that has been through the mill , and every time that apology is made it makes it that little bit less sincere . You see to apologize is to admit a fault . It is to admit a wrongdoing , and what's more important its to admit that someone else was right .
                                                                 Now some people apologize all the time , and you really don't know where you stand with them . Its like its part of their character and therefore it becomes an acceptable fact . And you know deep down in your heart it doesn't really make you feel any better , in fact you'd rather they just pissed off and left you alone .
                                                                But in some instances an apology is just not enough . In some instances people need to see their being wrong , and as a result of being wrong decide that something needs changing . They , more importantly need changing . Of course they won't see it that way , and will lessen the importance of said change . Its only when the importance of an insult or a cross word has been brought to their attention , that it suddenly dawns on them that they've done or said something that shouldn't have been said . With some people tact is not a word or behaviour they understand . They expect you to filter their real intentions and try and make sense of them .
                                                                So here we are now , you've had enough , and sorry is just not good enough . What can you do ?What will you do ? If anything . Are you going to let this bad behaviour continue to spoil your life ? Are you going to let these people assume their behaviour is acceptable ? I know where I stand on this one . Firstly to allow people to have that much influence over you is just criminal . And I really don't care if its family or friends , there should be no exceptions , and no excuses . Its like the old saying , Shit on me once , Shame on you ! Shit on me twice Shame on me !


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