Pigs in a Basket !

                                                     There are right people in your life , and there are wrong people in your life . The difficulty is working out who are the right one's and who are the wrong one's . Sometimes its easy to to work it out because it can be so obvious who the one's are that are not good for your health . But then there are people who you would open your heart to , and the very next thing you know is that they are bitching you behind your back . Now they are the real pigs in the basket , they are the toxic chemical that messes up the mix , if you get my drift ?
                                                    When you discover that person and realize what they are capable of it can be very disheartening , because there you are accepting them and their advice only to find out your best  interests were never their concern . Its the nature of most people to be considerate and concerned , but you will always get the one who is so self centered and egotistical  that you wonder to yourself how you've had that individual in your life in the first place . Its not your fault you are so trusting , its just you don't easily admit to yourself that someone can be such an ass hole and you never noticed it . Well at least you've finally realized it now , and there's no coming back . That's what happens , you can be either too trusting , but if you find out that someone is not to be trusted you can be just as passionate about denying them . Good for you !
                                                    The question will always remain though , how do people get to be so irritating and callous ? How does that horrible side of one's nature develop ? Whats really worse is that people tolerate them too , and entertain their vicious nature . There is always one such demon in a group of people , and no matter how much you try to educate them in the treatment of others , its always doomed for failure . All I will say is , do yourself a favour and give these pigs in the basket a real wide berth .


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