A Game That Might Just Catch On !

                                                  There used to be an activity that most Americans used to enjoy , and it was called Feyir Plei . It was a game where everyone asked each other questions in the course of a day and preached to each other about their own self worth . It was basically a game of self promotion , and obviously the more you promoted yourself the least chance you had of losing . Because losing in the face of your peers was something to be avoided at all costs . Now the guy who dreamed up this game , his name was Hone Sti , and he was a right stickler for playing by the rules . He wasn't particularly popular as you can well imagine , but as I said he always insisted on rules , and abiding by them .
                                                 People used to
Lyttel Lyer explaining the rules of Phuc Eue !

think of him as just another annoyance , like someone who goes out of their way to screw up your day . I personally seen a side to him that is not easily seen . You see I studied the works and teachings of Hone Sti , and yes there were times I found him a right pain in the ass , and plenty of times I would ignore his teachings in favour of his exact opposite Lyttel
Lyer. Most of the time I would eventually return to Hone Sti , and would see the difficult path I created for myself , through his teachings . That was extremely difficult , actually admitting to yourself that you had not chosen well , especially as in the well intentioned rules of the activity Feyir Plei , had set out quite clearly that Lyttel Lyer's teachings were to be ignored and avoided at all costs .
                                                Easier said than done I hear myself say . Experience teaching you that life and the obeying of certain rules , makes everybody want to break them . Its just there is so much tension , and the limitations sets of rules have a certain pull and control over you . I understand the need for some rules , but life should be about freedom , and you should at every opportunity take time to experience your uniqueness in whatever way you see fit.
                                                And so in the interest of fair play and honesty , we will try and control that little liar that is in all of us . We shall abide by whatever rules necessary , and try to be more of a follower of Hone Sti , than being courted by Lyttel Lyer . Feyir Plei was abolished by the Americans in favour of a new game called Phuc Eue . Its becoming very popular over there , I've even seen some politicians over here playing it . It might just catch on !


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