
Showing posts from April, 2015

Wish me Luck !

                                                       Where do your brightest ideas come from ? What is it that prompts you into writing or doing a specific thing ? How do the sentences that make up a blog , a song , or even a comment come from ? It comes from you , simple , it comes from you . You see without you I would probably still be talking to myself , and by doing this I can still talk to myself and not feel guilty about it . So you need  to be commended and thanked for your input and appreciation .                                                       Its at times like this that you can stand back and just look at different ways of approaching things . You don't always get the best from yourself by us...

Your Dream Made Real ! ( For Sasha& Liam )

                                                             This has been a very difficult week for some friends of ours . Not difficult in a bad way , just difficult in that when someone is trying to organize something , all the arrangements and all the details that have to be just right . First of all in terms of the lady involved , she has to have all areas of the body rubbed , waxed , her nails have to be done , and her everything has to be just right . You can't turn up for this gig in anything other than your best , and of course for this lady only the best will do . To be honest though she does deserve nothing but the best .                                                           ...

That House in Your Heart , Called Mother !

                                                          Some things and some people are an ever present in your life , just like your surroundings and the love you have for them . But if you are lucky , there will always be that special person who you know that to rely on them is the easiest thing in the world . God they can be cutting , Christ almighty they can really do your head in . Always wanting you to be on time here , wanting you to eat your dinner there . They are consistently at you to make yourself look good , they tell you to zip your lip when they feel its the right time to . And most importantly , as I said if you're lucky , they will heal you when you are sick . They will brighten your day wth silly stories of their childhood , and they will love you passionately and completely . You of course will love them unsparingly in ret...

Its F...... Wrong That's What it Is !

                                                              Have you ever noticed that certain charities and " Good Causes "  always make their way on to media sites ? I opened up one particular site this morning , and there lo and behold was an appeal to help victims of the earthquake in Nepal . The site added that it had  given 2 million euro to the appeal , and asked if everyone else could just give 4 euro to the funding .                                                              Let me say from the outset that I am all for giving to the needy and the hungry , and victims of all sorts of travesties . But what really annoys me is the fact that most organizers and e...

Me & MacGyver !

Yep That's Me !                                                        I would like to apologize to all the readers for not putting anything of substance up yesterday . I was kinda busy cleaning the house , and searching for replacement knobs for my cooker . You'll never believe how hard it is to get them , and the price of them too , nine euro for one knob . Anyway I had little success coming up with them so I just had to superglue the existing ones , Mcyver will never be dead in this household . I could make a rocket launcher out of a vacuum cleaner . So apologies again !

Just Spare A Thought !

                                                          After a lot of nonsense , things have kinda settled down . My demeanor has changed , my mood has certainly changed , and to be honest its getting very comfortable for me at the moment . So comfortable in fact that I feel I need to talk to someone regarding these changes . You see I am not one for changing easily . When I get a thought or an idea in my head , most of the time I like to expand on that thought , and make it more attractive and maybe more feasible . Sometimes you've got to understand , that thoughts and the expansion of them are what is necessary for us all to thrive . I mean where would we be without a simple thought ? I mean how would Leonardo Da Vinci have got on without a thought , and maybe a second one for that matter . Without a second thought The Mona Lisa would prob...

The Power of Thought !

                                                            I am racking my brains here , and nothing is coming out . Its like someone has put a anti virus block of my cognitive abilities . This must have happened as I was sleeping last night , there's no other explanation . I didn't really sleep too well , and I am not one who remembers their dreams often . I only remember the ones that can wake me from my slumber . My wife on the other hand explained to me her dream this morning . She was whimpering at one stage so I kinda woke her from her dream . She explained she was on top of a very high wall and was just about to plummet to her death when I saved her . Now that's what husbands are for , no more no less .Of course there are other things they are good for , but this being a public blog , needless to say we wont go talk about that . ...

Now is That Future You Were Planning !

                                                             You reach a stage in your life where all the so called important matters and even relationships no longer take center stage in your world . Its just not that important any more to be worried from the time you get up in the morning till the time you go to bed . You've had enough of the constant daily drivel that occupies your every waking hour . You have taken stock and decided enough is enough . Your days will now be filled with wonder and merriment , and no one is going to stop you . It doesn't really matter too much if you can't remember some of the things that need changing , only that you know a change is going to happen .                                           ...

A Game That Might Just Catch On !

                                                  There used to be an activity that most Americans used to enjoy , and it was called Feyir Plei . It was a game where everyone asked each other questions in the course of a day and preached to each other about their own self worth . It was basically a game of self promotion , and obviously the more you promoted yourself the least chance you had of losing . Because losing in the face of your peers was something to be avoided at all costs . Now the guy who dreamed up this game , his name was Hone Sti , and he was a right stickler for playing by the rules . He wasn't particularly popular as you can well imagine , but as I said he always insisted on rules , and abiding by them .                                         ...

The hypocrisy of Religious Tolerance !

                                                             I have always been sensitive to the efforts of others when it comes to speaking about tolerance . But the word tolerance conjures up all sorts of views and attitudes . To me tolerance means an acceptance of other peoples religions , an acceptance of other peoples traditions , ethnic origins and beliefs . I have always been of the opinion that if some creed , some tradition , some human condition ,be they different from mine , and I can incorporate them as being useful in my daily life , well then I find them acceptable . And even at a later stage if I decide that I no longer find something tolerable then I discard it .                                             ...

Trying to make sense of Apology !

                                                                   I love reading peoples contributions to discussions and notices posted on media forums . I especially like it when someone is sending a hidden message to some else . You may not even know the people involved , but it brings out the curiosity in everyone when someone states their position on a particular subject . You try to read into what has been posted , and probably nine times out of ten you get it wrong . It still doesn't stop you from being a little bit nosy though , does it ?                                                                   Lets speak about apologies , lets just think ...

Wake up and Get Real !

                                                        It takes time getting to know oneself . Especially if you tended to ignore all the things about yourself that make you , you . You have been very disrespectful to yourself too , you have abused your body in so many ways , and haven't given a damn about it either . You have explained it away by just saying that that's what you do when you're growing up and taking care and stock of yourself will come later . But for now its party time and anything goes , there will be time enough to worry and get serious when you've wasted yourself enough . Sound familiar ? It should do , its you me and every one of us who has grown up with an attitude of live now pay later . Sure we may die and if we do there will be nothing to pay , only the fare to the grim reaper .             ...

Rubbing Shoulders with the Illuminati !

                                                           And now for something completely different ! I think its time we all started to behave in an outrageous out of character type manner . Sounds good ? You know like for instance , if you have never been one to be outgoing or maybe just a little bit naughty , go frighten the life out of your family and friends with a f... you attitude . I don't mean in a nasty way , but rather in a mischievous or couldn't care less way . You'll really have the neighbours and of course your family talking like parakeets . Don't you just really want that to happen , don't you want to give them a kick up the ass in expecting you to be that person who never socializes or just sits there without any inclusion in anything . Wouldn't it be a little funny just to see their faces drop at the character change t...

She is our Friend !

                                                            I just had my dog all over me like a rash wanting to go out and play . I told her I was busy writing a blog , she wasn't too impressed . I then told her that I would mention her in it and she seemed a little bit more receptive to my ignoring her . Its very difficult to ignore a dog , they annoy you into running after them . They plan stuff you are not privy too , until its done . They steal the limelight when entertaining people , and they get you to clean up after them . Like W.T.F.?                                                            Every afternoon her friends call round to see if she is coming out to play . I have heard m...

Forever The Loner !

                                                     He said goodbye and left for good . He was on his way to Jersey , Channel Islands , to pick up a Job he had sent applications for . He was to work in The Norfolk Lodge hotel for the season in Jersey , so accommodation wasn't going to be a problem , and food too was included , I mean you just can't go hungry no matter what .                                                     He got on the plane in Copenhagen still kinda withdrawn from his earlier adventures . He was on his way to Gatwick where he would connect with his flight to Jersey .He slept most of the time , and arriving in Gatwick was but a dream . His case was transferred to the Jersey flight, bought a bottle of Bac...

The Mad Hatter & Me !

                                                                So there he was the night before he left Odense (Denmark) , in his apartment surrounded by friends from all over the world . Of course there was the Irish contingent , the Danish of course , The Sudanese and never forgetting the Somalians . We had all gathered together for his going away party , and it was going to be a humdinger . The bar was set up in its usual place , you see going out in Odense was always a costly affair , so the obvious thing to do when having a party was to buy beer from the supermarket and sell it at cost price at the party . Clever ? No one was ever too skint to go to one of our parties , and then there WAS always the Somalians .                                 ...

A Crock of S... !

                                                            Good morning everyone , take a look at that sky out there , isn't it just amazing ? And we're still only in spring ! What's happening man , does this mean we have been forgiven for messing the world up ? Or is someone trying to draw us in to a false sense of security . Doesn't matter man , bring it on , we are invincible ! What a crock of shit !

Mutton Dressed as Lamb !

                                                   Sometimes you just have to ask yourself , whats the use in punishing yourself with all those healthy routines and diets . I mean they are designed specifically with you and  countless millions in mind ,  who have issues in relation to their weight , their height , their appearance , teeth , I could go on forever . Think a little outside of your comfort zone . Now These manufacturing companies just love the fact that everyone is so inhibited about their bodies . If someone has a perfect ass , their boobs are too big . If someone's hair is too thin there is someone else complaining theirs is too thick . Eyebrows too , waists too , teeth too , again I could go on forever .                                     ...

Yours Without Malice !

                                                           You ask an apple how it grows , and he will tell you no one knows , You ask again , he won't explain , You see young man we're all the same . These are the words of wisdom that befalls anyone who tries to be at one with the universe . The scientists will explain away the ins an outs of the growth process , but to you and me growing apples will always be a mystery . You want to understand how all life begins , you want an understanding of what makes us , us . To over simplify life would be a gross insult to science , but in doing so you will encourage the wrath of the people who live their lives explaining these things away . You see its their bag , its their way of showing you how superior they feel . Sometimes its just easier to say to yourself , to enjoy the apple will suffice . ...

Naked Inhibitions !

                                                          I have just noticed China and Australia have been added to the list of the well informed . They both have been added to the readership , and you are all so very welcome to the bloggerdome . There are no rules but one , and that is that there aren't any ! You are welcome to participate or just enjoy the ramblings of an inquisitor . I have only been doing this for a short while , but with the level of interest and participation I find it very liberating . So welcome once again .                                                          Now to speak of things that are maybe taboo , is to really poke fun at all of our inhibitions . Those  li...

Bob's Your Uncle !

                                                              So now you know that I am available to write on weddings , communions , christenings and bar mitzvah's and the like , it should be very obvious now that I am in the market to write on your behalf . That doesn't mean as a ghost writer or something as important as your life story , no , it simply means that if you need some prose to get you out of a corner well I'm your man . I mean we can be secretive about this if you like , the details don't really matter to me , just that I get paid at the end of it all . It would be like having your own personal grief/happiness counselor available to you at your beck and call . Sounds good ? Well you know where to contact me if there is anything you may require . I will be fast with my replies , and I promise same day satisfaction . You ...

Pleading the Fifth !

                                                           First and foremost let me just say how much I enjoy writing these blogs . It gives me the freedom to fantasize and abuse those who need abusing . There are too many issues out there that need highlighting , and to be honest sometimes I am left bewildered by some of the issues that are passed over . I am simply writing from experience , and you will know instantly that the given subject is either fact , fiction , or utter twaddle . So don't be fooled as is often the case , by thinking I am being over critical . I am never over critical , in fact the opposite would be the case . If I don't have enough information or relevant facts I will suddenly go off into the trees and dream up enough scandalous detail the subject warrants .                ...

Psychological Terrorism !

                                                        I just have to share this with you . I have just heard that heavy snoring is definitely linked to memory loss and mental decline . From a personal perspective there's absolutely nothing to worry about , as I have always been in control of my mental health and my unbelievable memory . Its something you could always set your clock by , my memory and how healthy my mental state always appears to be .                                                        So if there are any of you out there who are prone to heavy snoring , being prepared for the loss of your memory will definitely be a positive step . Now the decline of your mental health will definitely have...

No Matter What !

                                                          Why is it that sometimes you do have to explain yourself to people ? You do have to hold their hand and tell them the intricate details of why you said something , or why you acted in a particular manner . I mean its not rocket science , that when you have been decisive about something , it should be accepted as your choice . I mean nobody pushed you into this decision , you didn't make it under duress . There was no one holding a gun to your head , it was plain and simple a choice you made .                                                          But you see there lies the problem , there are some people who think that by them having an input...

Zooming past your Door !

                                                         I have taken down my mountain bike , I have just had the wheels pumped up , and I'm ready to go . A journey that would take normally five minutes , has taken fifteen . Now in the whole scheme of things , its maybe not too important , but today I have made a commitment to that bike , that I will ride it and love it even though my ass might fall apart . These are the things in life you just have to do . There are no excuses now , its time for Lance (Henwatch) Armstrong to make a comeback . Keep an eye out for me , I will be the one zooming past your door with all my tags attached . I will be promoting world peace , more use of the condom , and my own little favourite Give a Dog A Bone . So if there is anyone out there that needs promotion , just send me your details . My wife will be only t...

The pillow of Remembrance !

                                                              I will give you the keys to my soul , and the way to my heart , if only you give me hope in return . I will flatten a path for your bare feet , to stop the flow of blood that oozes from your open wounds .I will build you a staircase that leads you to the road of forgiveness and light . I will tame the savage beast that blocks your progress , and use him for companionship as I will train myself to be worthy of your consideration . These infamous words were written by nobody special , no one who deserves or needs your appreciation or approval , and will continue to write when there is even no subject to speak of .                                               ...

We Will Not Be Belittled !

                                                            I couldn't care less , I really don't give a damn , everything in your life is so controlled and manipulated that at times you say to yourself sure what's the point ? But the truth is much more relevant , its the thing that causes you to be concerned , to be outrageous , to be not just another statistical number that is harassed and dictated to by the powers that be . I know its rather easy to just down tools and say that's it , I've had enough . But you are better than that , to allow others to define your life , to tell you how you should feel , how you should behave in the face of so much oppression , now that's just downright unthinkable .                                       ...