Without Hate ( The Real Founding Father's ) .

                                                  Well happy thanksgiving day , and as you will all be probably busy stuffing your faces with God knows what , I thought it a tiny bit appropriate to send my best wishes for a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving . But you just know neither my wishes or yours will allow that to happen . America is a war zone ,and I can't really see them cooking the proverbial Turkey for the poor and starving Native Americans anytime soon .And the Syrian refugee crisis , your response just keeps getting worse and worse !
                                                  The only way you will be able to ignore whats going on is to shut yourself away somewhere , no wi-fi , no phones , televisions or any other media being available . Do you really think this is going to happen ? No I didn't think you would ! You're going to be reminded at every hands turn , just how messed up the class system in the States is messed up . .
                                                  You are going to do your best , and you will enjoy your Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday week-end , but spare a thought for the poor individuals who also deserve a decent thanksgiving , without hate , without prejudice , as maybe the Real Founding Fathers had wanted !


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