Information and its circulation is the most important freedom we have , and should be protected at all costs . There was a time , and to be honest its not so long ago , that if something happened across the world , it could be days , even weeks before we heard about it . Thats how far we've come in such a short space of time .Now when something happens its on our screens live , immediately and without filters .
                                                         Things haven't changed that much though in if and how this information is filtered and twisted and adjusted to suit our fragile minds . There's so much distortion of truth , when oh when did honesty and truth leave us ? When did we allow huge media corporations the freedom to keep us ill informed , in essence blindfolding us ? Because whether you like it or not thats exactly whats happening right now .
                                                         Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ( TTIP ) . Most people probably haven't even heard of these trade negotiations happening in secret between the U.S and the E.U . They intend to blend food safety laws and the sovereign powers of individual nations , to suit U. S policy . All of these negotiations are being done in secret .
                                                         There are regulations in force within the E.U called The Reach Regulations , they are basically in place to protect us from dangerous additives and chemicals used in production . In the U.S they have 12 substances banned in the production of cosmetics , The E.u has 1200 , yes ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED . This is just one example on how diverse and strict our regulations are compared to how lax the Americans are !
                                                         Investor State Dispute Settlements ,(ISDS), These new regulations would allow companies to sue sovereign governments , if through said governments policy in any way caused a loss of profits .For Example , Swedish energy company Vattenfall is suing the German government for billions of dollars in the wake of its decision to close down nuclear energy plants after the Great Fukushima disaster in Japan . This is just one example , there are hundreds of these examples out there .
                                                         I like probably so many of you , would vote against any TTIP REGULATION , But here's the thing , not me you or anybody else will ever have a chance to vote democratically against these regulations .
                                                         I would like everybody out there , who believes in freedom of speech , to pass this information along . If this essay only reaches ten people then that ten can pass it along also . We need to pull our heads out of our collective asses and INFORM , INFORM INFORM !


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