Legitimate Gangsters !

                                                          Nice to see a little activity on my blog , I was starting to get paranoid about it . You see though your thoughts are your own , and you like to share them , its nice to see them being shared to God only knows who ! Since starting this activity , I have hooked up with people I haven't seen or heard from in many years , and that is a definite plus . You assume these people are either dead , or so caught up in their own bubble that they wouldn't have time for this . Surprise surprise , something is generating a great deal of energy out there and the masses want to be informed . We have all been in the dark too long , its enlightenment time ! So to those special people and you all know who you are , thank you for succeeding in lifting my faith in human nature .
                                                          That said , isn't it amazing how , even though you might not know somebody , that maybe their actions have a profound effect on you . Take for example the lady in Cork who took it upon herself to write an open letter to Enda Kenny . It was published in the Irish Independent newspaper , and told of her struggle trying to cope with her children and her lack of money to give them the support and parenting they richly deserve . Such a well written letter , such emotion , such truth , and from a mother who was on her last legs because of continuous battering of the middle classes in recent budgets . Shameful behaviour by supposed caring politicians , who day after day are revealed to be nothing more than legitimate gangsters .  But there is no Robin hood in their crimes , they steal from the needy to line their own pockets .    
                                                          Enda Kenny , your party , and previous parties have failed us ! It is time we took back our pride and the votes that were cast in your favour . You and your party are not fit to govern a piss up in a brewery !


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