The Medical Mafia !

                                                            I have just read all your comments in relation to The Horrors of Capitalism my previous blog . It obviously made some of you pay attention to whats being marketed as medicine , and the actual non toxic Laetrile that has established itself as a natural cure for cancer (read my previous blog).
                                                           I hear you ask how I came by this information , and to be honest I heard of this treatment many years ago when my wife informed me of its existence . Coincidentaly , my wife's aunt was telling her of her husbands battle with cancer , and how a friend of hers mortgaged their house to get their mother to Mexico to be treated in 1977 . The lady in question was category 4 , and was on her last legs , so they decided they would try this treatment . The lady lasted another seven , repeat 7 Years , because of apricot kernels , which when chewed produces Laetrile .This substance is so toxic ,it contains cyanide , but the wonderous thing about it is , when ingested the only cells it attacks are the cancerous cells .
                                                           These aren't fables , these aren't old wives tales , this is fact ! I would love you to source this information , just in case you have any doubts . Google LAETRILE , and open your mind to the disgraceful oppression of a cancer cure , perpetrated by THE MEDICAL MAFIA !


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