This Human Virus !

                                                             I wanna take time out to salute all those brave men and women who wake up every day and suffer the pains of a truly unjust system . As I am a lot older than the young parents who have to live hand to mouth every day , I still understand their battle with daily hills that need climbing .  Those hills at times must seem like mountains , and the more you climb the more you slip down , one step forward two steps back .
                                                            Then you hear about politicians with their massive wages , and then you hear about their massive pensions , and they then ask YOU to tighten your belt once more in the push towards economic and financial stability . Such f...... hypocrisy . It makes a strong man weak when the thoughts that go through his head in trying to manage an unmanageable income force to him to either , steal , defraud or whatever it takes to make ends meet .
                                                            This is the indictment that every government in every country have handed down to their people . and its so terribly shameful . How these parasites can wake up each morning smile at their wives , and then at  their disaffected children is beyond me .
                                                            What makes people do these sort of things when all around them the faces of neglect , the faces of so much strain and pain are there if they take a minute to connect with their fellow human beings . Is it something thats bred into them or is it just a part of the human condition ? Whatever it is , and how it grows into your physical make up needs to be highlighted . There is something fundamentally wrong when we as citizens have to go up in arms to highlight a fellow human beings plight . This is a sickness , and to be honest I don't know what the cure is , or what medicine needs to be given to kill this human virus . But it needs to be diagnosed and quickly .


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