Please Form A Circle !

                                                             Throughout your life you're confronted by many religious symbols . You're introduced to as many religious traditions , even though you may not have any connection spiritually or otherwise . All round you are religious icons , Cathedrals . Crosses . Stars of David , Synagogues , Mosques and all the rest of it .
                                                             I suppose these icons are reminders to their followers that they always have some kind of sanctuary when their minds and souls are possibly being tortured by this 21st century conundrum of ours , life .
                                                             You're brought up to believe in whoever your parents were taught to believe in , you have no choice in the matter . And only when you start questioning things related to this said religion do you start making your own choices . It can be very disturbing for parents , if their children decide to change their allegiance to some other ism , and either start believing in something totally different to what they were taught , or completely disbelieve in anything .
                                                            Isn't religion such a pain in the ass ? Assuming there is a God , is he different depending on where you are located , where you were born ? Assuming he is everywhere , why is it so hard to just on an overall scale believe he is this same Entity ? No you see that would be too simple , that would only lead to agreement among the masses , and agreement is not healthy in this day and age . There has to be conflict , our religion is truer and more correct , and more spiritual than yours . We got the message from Moses ! But we got the message from Mohammed , Joseph Smith was our messenger and he said its ok to have 40 wives . Give me a break !
                                                           This is the sort of crap our lives have been filled with for centuries , centuries . Someone is making a shit load of money from our stupidity ! I remember a line from a very famous novel , written not too long ago , it went like this " This Myth Called Christianity Has Served Us Very Well " . The same can be applied to every other religion , doesn't matter how devout you may be , a lot of people are doing a lot of screwing , and they have no intention of forming a circle !


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