Company Policy !

                                                               Have just come down from the speed wobble I had earlier , not nice I can tell you , but I haven't had to take any medication so thats a plus ! Apologies for my lack of activity today , but as I've just explained it was beyond my control !
                                                              So where was I ? Oh yes , trying to behave like an adult while all around you are treating you like an imbecile . You must know what I'm talking about , I call it the falling down syndrome . If you haven't seen the movie well maybe you should !            
                                                              This guy who is obviously worn out , is trapped inside his car on a highway gridlocked . He leaves the car in the middle of the highway and walks across fields headed home . Enough was obviously just that Enough .
                                                              Along the way he gets a submachine gun and decides he wants breakfast in a McDonalds type restaurant . Its one minute past eleven , he asks for the breakfast special , to which he receives the reply he wasn't looking for , " Breakfast finished at eleven , company Policy " . Now this man has reached the end of his tether , he unwraps the said machine gun from beneath his jacket points it at the assistant and says again he wants the breakfast special , and receives the breakfast without reply .
                                                             Now this sort of behaviour is  unacceptable , you just don't do this sort of thing . Now you couldn't condone this action , but certainly when it was seen for the first time in a cinema , the audience actually applauded when the man got his breakfast . Maybe they had suffered at the hands of Company Policy themselves . I know I have !
                                                            I just don't get it ! But everywhere you go , shops , companies , supermarkets , no matter where you go they all hit you with Company Policy . There's times I want to shove Company Policy up a few Company represented Asses !


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