Misplaced Billions !

                                                       I spoke earlier in one of my blogs in relation to why there are so many wars , why the U.S.A is always at the heart of these wars , and who benefits from these wars .
                                                       Now I am reading about a new book released and written by James Risen called "Pay At Any Price ". He explains and understands why war is of great benefit to certain corporations in America . He also explains how the amount of private security institutions are popping up all over the states , and making certain companies huge profits . And as I explained earlier , paranoia is a huge money spinner .
                                                       Take for example the war in Iraq James Risen explains , 11.7 billion dollars in one hundred dollar bills has been misplaced and is now unaccounted for . HELLO , 11.7 BILLION DOLLARS MISPLACED  ? Something is so messed up in the States , When this sort of thing happens and there is no accountability , the taxpayers are the last to hear about it . Whats really worrying though , is that the media have not exactly been honest with their readers .
                                                       If there is anything to take from these new revelations its this , there is a huge push by controlling Corporations to sell their war machine , and the obscenity of their profits from said war machine is both sickening and frightening !


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