Situations Vacant Part 3 ! The Final Chapter !

                                                           Ok Jean Claude said at breakfast the very next morning , this is going to be our strategy ! You are going to dream up some fantasy fund raising scheme , whereby you will explain to your new customers door to door that you represent said fund raising scheme to get money so the poor orphans in Ireland will have somewhere to live . Or something to that effect . Isn't that illegal he asked , of course it is Jean Claude said , but you're going to have to get yourself an angle and a story so these beautiful housewives will be dying to buy your books . One other thing he said , explain to these house wives that for every book sold you get a point . Encyclopedia collection you get 8 points as per volume and so on . At the end of the week explain , that the person with the most points gets say 25 pounds towards their chosen charity ok ? This is how its done , and you will be no exception ! Jean Claude had faith in him  , where he got it from he  would never know . This was going to be interesting  he thought .
                                                          And so with his little command of the French tongue , he set out with his new friends Fatima and Jean Claude to win the hearts of the French housewives and get as many points on the table as possible . It was so funny though , he actually got quite good at it . Throughout his time there , he recited the same story day in day out to those unsuspecting customers .
                                                         When he had had enough in France ,this was after 4 hard weeks , he had accumulated total sales of 33 books sold , and 15 sets of encyclopedias , a lot more than he had expected to  be honest . He had seen so much of France he really wanted to stay , but alas selling books door to door was never gonna be his forte . It was time to come home , and home he came with stories of adventures only dreamt about in magazines , and a lot of those same stories at times were a little sensationalised . Don't blame him , he was just a little  spoke in a huge turning wheel . A wheel that is still turning and still being sensationalised .


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