A Position Thats Unattainable !

                                                When I get into my contemplative state , when I need to remember things , its not always possible to remember something that might have been relevant ! This is not because I have chosen to forget ,  simply put I just can't remember . Sometimes this forgetfulness can be helpful , and then sometimes it can get me into trouble , being accused maybe of selective memory . But the one true thing I can remember is being always fair , never favouring anyone or anything , I just felt no matter what always give people and especially your children equal opportunity and time .
                                                I would love to remember so much more , you know some of the little things that get lost somewhere in your memory . Recalling such trivia and nostalgia gives you a sense of being , still being if you get my drift ? Not just something you're mulling over when you have nothing better to do .You see , in my opinion , life is all about Chapters . The opening Chapter till the final Chapter , and everything else in between . What you do  in the middle Chapters you basically call  your life . Now there is the place that needs tending , it also needs to be filled with understanding and compassion , not always easy when you have so many negative aspects trying to pull you down all the time .
                                               I am comfortable talking about these things , knowing full well that I have f..... up many times myself , as you do . Its what makes us human , we fall , we get back up again , we fall again . Let those failures not hinder you in completion of your life's achievements and goals . They are mere hiccups on the road to Shangri-La .They are the things that will define you in later life . Give up trying to be perfect , its a position thats unattainable !


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