A Drama You're Not Privy To !

                                                      Good evening people's , hope you all had a nice happy and productive day ! Its so difficult to be positive when the days are so short , but you have to do your best to not let it get you down too much . Sit down somewhere comfortable for maybe ten minutes , close your eyes and pretend you're somewhere sunny and you're doing nothing other than relaxing , and if you want to , throw in a few cocktails if thats your drink of choice ? Thats the great thing about imagining things , you can dream up any old twaddle your mind cares to churn out .
                                                      Now that kinda brings me to another point , how ? Don't ask . I don't know either ! As I continue to waffle , you're sitting in a bar , the bar just happens to be outside , and hurray its ok to smoke . You're enjoying your evening with good friends , and from a distance you can see a not very good friend and her husband plus her sister . You realize quickly the two women are pissed as farts , there's nowhere to hide , so you just sit there hoping they will miss you and you won't have to entertain them . NO SUCH LUCK , they see you straight away and waltz in among your friends and yourself and start behaving ..............lets see , I have to be diplomatic in how I describe this , like f...... assholes . They start drinking your drink , they start pulling out of you and using language from the gutter . The husband has disappeared , for him a wise decision , for us not so wise , what do we do ? I demand  politely but firmly , by saying you've both had enough , I think its time to go home . The husband re-appears , and guides these two never again to be called fiends back to their apartment .
                                                    I suppose you could look at this happening one or maybe two ways , firstly maybe its just a one off and lets see what  happens in the morning (No No No , its happened before and they have just confirmed what you've always suspected , they're f...... assholes
)! Or maybe there's an underlying drama happening that you're not privy to ?( Doesn't Matter , you're not gonna get involved and they're still f...... assholes ) Period !


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