Pillars Of Normality !

                                                     All we have is the art of conversation to help us communicate with each other . Its not just good enough to assume that what you mean can be explained with an expression , or a nod and a wink . Sometimes you just need to lay things out as precisely as you can so that their is no misunderstanding . As I said this is the only way we have to communicate properly and concisely with each other .
                                                    Its so easy to just sit back and take for granted what was said in your direction in the first place . Not always a good idea , then your partner or whoever misreads what was said initially  and then all hell breaks loose .
                                                    Now bring children in to the equation and you have a wonderful recipe for misunderstanding . We as adults most of the time are careful about certain subjects that are brought up in their presence , but then sometimes we are so wound up we forget about them being there , and then they become privy to things you'd rather have kept away from them .
                                                   You see children have this great habit of dramatizing everything , especially when its something that knocks the pillars of normality down . They get confused , they get frightened that the status quo is going to change , that sometimes its very hard to just explain away what they've just had access to .
                                                  So the point I'm trying to make is , when trying to understand a childs behaviour , its not always the obvious that has them behaving the way they are , it sometimes comes from information they shouldn't have had access to in the first place . Plain and simply , they are confused , because mixed messages are being sent out , and that is where the art of conversation and communicating the information is so important . Never assume as I said earlier , that an expression , or a nod and a wink will suffice ! In My Opinion !


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