A Day In The Life !

                                                            I have started working on situations vacant part 2 , but its not yet ready so you will have to bear with me it needs editing !
                                                            Whats the most important part of your day ? What is it that gets you going in the morning ? Is it the need to feel wanted ? Is it an economical answer , or is there some other force thats driving you on ? And if there is , what is it ?
                                                            For me personally , it was always the need to provide , that my wife and children were as comfortable and happy as I could make it . The idea of selflessness never entered my mind , it after much discussion with myself , was just there . I believe every good parent has these features in their make up , but probably never confronts them . As I have learned its just a given , never questioned never requiring answers .
                                                            All my views are from a fathers perspective , and to understand the opposite to your position i.e , the wife's / mothers perspective , you have to be in their shoes . You have to have some empathy , but understanding is not always as easy as one tries to imagine .
                                                            She is at home alone , full responsibility , getting all the breakfasts ready , getting children to school , cleaning the fire , making the fire . And all the tasks laid out for her in the course of a day . A day in the life ! At times the monotony is crippling , at times the worry is massive , but always throughout , the love is moreover the greatest thing that makes her carry on ! She is just that , a mother !


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