Constructive or Destructive !

                                                  May I welcome the new readers of my blog from America , Cyprus , Germany and France  , nice to see you're all getting involved in some small way , you are obviously interested in some of the little titbits and anecdotes I like to share from time to time . To be honest I didn't find this pastime , more than that it kinda found me . For someone who has never really had great communicative skills , I find this activity so liberating , and so often very rewarding . From one minute to the next I really don't have a plan , or a subject ! Its hard to explain , but all I can say is , all of my pieces are as accurate as they can be , some from my own experiences and some not . But the important thing about this pursuit , is that I take it not very seriously , but take the subjects I write about seriously , if that makes any sense ?
                                                  As with all my previous pieces , I would like to encourage you to get involved if you would like to , like or dislike , comment or criticize , doesn't really matter its all either constructive or even destructive .Thats the great thing about open forums , it gives everyone the chance to throw out what they feel , just the way that I do . I don't always say or do the right things , but malice or hurt is not an emotion I entertain . So if its honesty and maybe a different slant on things you're after , well then look no further .


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