Situations Vacant ! Part 2

                                                                     Well if thats what he  was going to be , thats what he was going to be ! Who was he to mess with his fate , he was goin to roll with it . So he arrived in Paris , was collected by Fatima who was from Ceylon ( now Sri Lanka ) , and Jean Claude who was French .It was good to hear them speak English , as toying with the French language was going to be a little difficult . What had he gotten himself into ? Though to be honest it was just one of many situations he got himself into and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last .
                                                                      The fact that he was alone scared him , the fact that he overplayed having a good hand on the French language scared him even more ! But , he had nerve , he had priorities , he had commitment , though really he was full of shit !
                                                                      Got to the hotel , checked in , and got himself acquainted with the place . All introductions aside , he knew he would like both Fatima , and Jean Claude , they oozed confidence , something at that moment he was lacking .
                                                                      Late that evening he was introduced to the Lady who actually was running the show , a mild mannered lady who when she spoke had you hanging on her every word . That evening it was explained how , where , and when we would actually go out on the road as book salespeople . We were introduced to our line of books , Beautiful books on every subject you can imagine , including a set of encyclopedias , eight volumes in all .
                                                                      He  now knew what was expected of him , He  now had access to the range of books , He knew what he  had to do finally . He had a couple of glasses of wine , and went to bed . Tomorrow he would face his greatest challenge ever , head first !
                                                    To Be Continued ........................


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