Dictators of Industry !

                                                               Thank you so much , its good to see Corporate Asset-Holes had an audience ! I do believe that as much of the information given , is as accurate as it can be in this misleading age of corruption . There is so much disinformation out there , that its kinda hard to see the forest for the trees . But if you have the time , and I promise you wont be disappointed , please seek out the organisation known as THRIVE ! Its an amazing honest , and informative group of people who bring truth to a very murky river of information . It will explain how we have arrived where we are , and how huge corporations , headed by the richest people in the world have brought us to our knees with their policies . How the second world war was funded by these same people , and the gulf war , and every other war . You see these people don't choose sides to back , they back everybody , there's so much money in arms , and the sale of them . They don't have conciences , they don't have honour or thought for you or your families , the only thing they care about is MONEY , MONEY , MONEY .
                                                               Up until now  we had no idea of what they were up to , the power of free media and the internet has changed all that . Their names are household names , they own practically everything . But they can't hide behind a wall of disinformation any more , we know who they are . And organisations such as THRIVE , ANONYMOUS , to name just a few , including Julian Assange (Wikileaks) , Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers are getting the truth across to the hungry populations eager for the truth .
                                                               The thing is not to give in , not to bow to these people , they understand only one thing , and that is POWER ! And to be brutally honest we are that POWER . Every country including my own bow down to these power hungry corporations , its no coincidence that you have protests happening all over the world against these dictators of industry . Just let me say finally though , there is an energy out there never seen before by me , an energy of change . I hope I live long enough to be able to see it with everyone else !
                                    From now on this Photo is going to be the only one used for my blogs , it kinda reminds me of looking toward a happy future !


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