Alas They Don't !

                                                                 You're born , you go to school , you grow up and evolve . This is whats promised to you the minute , second , you make your first sound . And what an entry , with a squeal of terror your eyes open and are presented to the carrier of you for the previous nine months . I cannot say , but imagine if you could recall all the highlights and lowlights of your incubation period . The conception , the early weeks and months of your growth . The indigestion your mother suffered on your behalf . How you made her appear fat , how you made her sick in the mornings .
                                                                Everyone knows these things happen , its just the way it is , but you never fully appreciate the efforts made on your behalf in bringing you into the world . These efforts and sleepless nights are just taken for granted as part of the human process . But there's a bigger picture to consider ! There's the why you are here , whose decision was it to bring you into the world , if any .  Were you planned / unplanned ? And most especially are you going to be wanted / unwanted ? You just don't know these things and probably never will .
                                                                Maybe  its better that you don't know any of these things anyway , it could distort your views at such an early stage , and from which you may never recover . At the end of the day , the only thing that matters is that you feel love from your parents , are given every opportunity available to you , thats affordable ,and you are protected the same way that womb protected you for nine months . These are the things that are important , and I would like to think the majority of these newborns receive that said protection . But alas they don't !


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