Voluntarily chosen !

                                                              Its like looking into a crystal ball and hoping for divine inspiration , that's the way I feel when confronted by the trials of everyday bureaucracy . You know the usual ? You can't do this and you just cannot do that . When did we hand over choice and responsibility to bureaucrats ?
                                                              Lets ban junk food its bad for you ! Duhhhhh , we know its bad for you but its nice ! You choose to eat these things , You choose to smoke these things , You choose to drink these things , but more importantly We choose to to do these things voluntarily .  VOLUNTARILY ! GET IT ?
                                                              We are not children who sometimes choice has to be made for them , No we are ADULTS ! And I did not elect certain people to tell me how I should live my life . Its my life , my space , my home , so piss off and consider your position .


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