Victor MacGyver Meldrew !

                                                            Now where was I ? Oh yes , we were having a chat about your beautiful memory , and how certain things jog it . Remember ? Well don't ask me , I'm having problems just processing my own . Its times like these that the help of a memory co-ordinator would come in handy . You know what I'm saying ? You can recite Longfellow from a generation ago , and what did we watch last night is a blur . You see immediate memory is a far distant planet , that cannot be explored because of the alien invasion inside my head .
                                                           Does it bother me ? In the words of some ancient sage " Not A Jot ". In fact it can be of benefit from time to time . Do you remember when you made shit out of the washing machine ? I was asked . No , that wasn't me , I never tinkered with anything more than maybe a video recorder , and I do remember making shit out of that ! Its so easy to make shit out of things when you think you're MacGyver , and that has been my nickname ever since . Oh I forgot about Victor Meldrew too , that was another pet name for me . I have been so misunderstood , and the ways and habits of a lifetime have passed me by . Maybe memory loss is not such a bad thing after all !
I'll Always Remember Lulu !


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