Never Ignore The Look !

                                                              I've been racking my brain to try and find something to write about , and its getting really annoying that my brain is not in a writing state . My wife looks at me as if I am mad , stupid or even both . Then she starts laughing at having tried to see what I'm writing about , and failed I need add because of the look ! You know the look ? It says everything , and you never ignore the look .
                                                             Now isn't that strange ? I've suddenly started writing , and where this is going is anyone's guess . Its a pity its not live , so someone could just throw up a subject and I could write about it . Lets Pretend !
                                                             Racism ? No don't like that subject ! Everything with racism is always black & white ! Homosexuality ? Naw thats even worse ! Some of my best friends are gay , and even my son is gay , he doesn't like me talking about how gay friendly I am . It just embarrass's him !
                                                             I hear someone out there shouting we should talk about sexism , no don't like that either ! Too late to take back the female vote now , its gotten to the stage where they're more equal than us now . They looked for equality , got it , and then said we didn't deserve to be equal to them ! No don't like sexism ! My wife just agreed , that I don't like sexism . I wear the trousers in my house , and she tells me what colour to wear ! I think thats fair ! Well she tells me its fair !


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