Not an If , But When !

                                                        I am sitting here looking into space and trying to find some sort of inspiration , its not coming ! Its telling me inspiration is not just all you need , its imagination , its empathy , its understanding and awareness ! Try putting all of these things into a story and you'd have a best-seller . Try and put them into practice and you'd get a headache .
                                                       Sometimes all you want is a little bit of peace and quiet , you know ? Time to slow yourself down , time to reflect , not just on your life but on your existence also . Sometimes I find myself doing certain things , things I would do on a daily basis , and always rushing to get them done so that I can try and fill my life with positive and more interesting things . But I always forget , that these basic things need my full attention , and they need to be done well . You can get lost in trying to save time , trying to rush things without feeling the satisfaction of completion . Now thats such a waste of precious time and effort .
                                                       Lately though , I have promised to try and fix this , to try and make things easier and more fulfilling , by attempting to do things from a different perspective . How do you change a life's habit , something you've been used to ? Well for the sake of  mindfulness and peace in my surroundings , these changes will have to happen , its not an if but certainly a when !


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