This Imperfect Planet !

                                                               It has come to my attention , that the honest word from somebody may not necessarily be honest . It has also come to my attention that believing in someone for the sake of friendship can be very counter productive . Never being one to back down from confrontation , or to accept bullying or abuse of others including myself , I will now set forth a path that whosoever bully's or mistreats another human being that they should suffer the same abuse and bullying multiplied a hundredfold ! Seems fair to me !
                                                              The time when acceptance of bad manners and the ill treatment of a fellow human being has gone . Well and truly gone . People need to grab whatever courage is needed and fight their corner as if their lives depend on it . It is no longer acceptable that minority groups , be they Asian , African , Black White or even Coffee coloured , should have to accept anything other than complete equality in their place on the face of this so imperfect planet .


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