Enough is Enough !

                                                          We are sheep ! We have no Power ! We are the same people who have empowered big industry , and Governments backed by big industry !   We are the 99% !
                                                          We dutifully wake every day and go to work and are told don't look for better working conditions , don't ask for time off , don't even think about asking for a raise, to all the above they explain , the climate in industry is bad out there . The shareholders cannot and will not entertain any disruption to output and production . Their shares and bonuses always protected !                                                         Now understand , we the 99% are the one's who in reality have all the power , have all the means about us to shut industry down if we feel like it . We create and grow , and produce everything necessary for the one per cent to exist . It is time we exercised this right , it is time to be the masters of our future and our childrens future  . It is time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !


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