Good Custom Saturday !

                                                                 You sit down , you can smell the aroma thats all round you . You start fidgeting , wondering when its ever going to start . Its Saturday again , and the custom has been and always will be that this is how we do it on a Saturday .
                                                                 There's no one around to annoy you , there's no one looking at your behaviour , not a soul to distract or judge you . This is your day , your time , your enjoyment .
                                                                 Its placed in front of you , you take in its beauty , its composition and its shape . The table has been prepared , so its at home just being there . It looks so good you hate to disturb the position of anything , but alas you must .
                                                                 You take up your knife and fork , and just indulge . This is how we eat our lunch on Saturday ! One fried egg , One rasher , Three  sausages and Two pieces of white pudding grilled , tea and toast .


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