A Subject Materializes !

                                                       To begin with , whoever notched up 89 views on my blog today , how dare you ? You might be forgiven for giving me some sense of  pride , but now everyone will want to know whats going on in my head . Though I am sensing some energy here , it seems to me , having thought about it , that there are or might be people out there that might share some of my views . Or even worse agree with them . I am not scared , really I promise you I'm not frightened , I'm f...... terrified .
                                                       No one told me it was going to be like this . No one said I would have to honour my promises , and no one said I would have to explain myself . You see when I write I don't really think about a subject , the subject in some shape or form just materializes .
Isn't that scary ? Imagine being like me , not caring what I write and finding an audience who actually take time out from their day just to peep inside my world . How f...... nosey of you ! Don't you understand my writings are not supposed to be enlightening , in fact the opposite should be said of them . They are meant to be a way of you realising that this is not the way to go , and when you self examine you will find the way you're going is fine and dandy ! And of course right .


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